 Análisis de datosy gestión empresarial

Data analysis and business management

Within the framework of an increasingly competitive and challenging business environment, companies need to find solutions and systems to generate competitive advantages from the collection, analysis and transformation of data into strategic decisions that allow them to design successful plans and adequately manage the different areas and departments.


Reducción de las Desigualdades
Ciudades y Comunidades Sostenibles
Paz, Justicia e Instituciones Sólidas
Alianzas para Lograr los Objetivos
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The development of a technological platform with several modules is planned, which in turn constitute independent products, which are capable of complementing the management of a hotel and which, as part of its digital transformation capabilities, improve the efficiency of its internal processes.
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The project will result in the Evolution of the existing Foreign Investment Single Window platform, introducing innovative requirements to enhance interaction between potential investors and the diversity of local government entities and companies involved in the development of investments in the…
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The development of the Fiscalix suite will allow a computer suite for the management of processes in the FGR, in such a way that it contributes to the advance towards higher stages of electronic government in Cuba.
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The project has among its objectives the development of a mobile application that contains Manuals for the consultation of accounting and internal control procedures, with interactive search engines, with updates from the cloud, aimed at the actors of the economy. In addition to the development of…
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The project will result in a minimum viable version that can be used in the real scenario of the tax administration and will serve as a reference and action model for the inclusion in the platform of other use cases of other entities or a combination of several, in which the analyzes will be more…
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It develops the basic technology for the implementation of statistical reports and indicators using the Genesig platform for the SGIA project, which allows extracting data from the system in a configurable way and transforming it into information and indicators for the measurement of INRH's…
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SIPAC 3.0 constitutes a powerful tool in the area of ​​planning activities by objectives. Developing its evolution will facilitate the management and evaluation of processes based on compliance with indicators, usability and user interaction, and integration with Excriba and email client calendars.
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The project's general objective is the Development of the Cuban Platform for Document and Archival Management based on the evolution and integration of the XABAL eXcriba Administrative Document Management System and the XABAL Arkheia Archive Management System, in order to facilitate Through the use…
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Dofleini S.R.L. It has been proposed to create an ecosystem of applications in the cloud, under a common architectural core integrated with each other and with third parties. In this sense, work has been done on the development of several of the components of said ecosystem, fundamentally those…
Desarrollo de prototipos de Vehículos no Tripulados con Sistema de Monitoreo y Control.
The Cuban investment process faces the challenge of a transformation that puts Cuba in better conditions to achieve a leap in economic and social development. Cuba needs an investment process that promotes the rational use of resources, effectiveness and efficiency. There is an urgent need to…